As this new journey begins, I struggle to get back on the saddle. Feeling lost, overwhelmed and doubting myself. I know life hits you with the punches but, Dammmmm! No better way than to question yourself, are you on the right path? Where is my ounce of happiness without the hurdles. Where is my peace of mind, my good job you are on the right track. For once I would like, no chaos, doubt and the calamity that follows when you are trying to get it together.
Presently as I write this, cats are playing catch on my roof. How! What have I done in my previous lives to deserve this? Whatever it was I am sorry Universe! Here I am, the person who thinks with the glass always half full is thinking of quitting. Shhhh! This is so not me! As I write for my escape, lets hope for the best and my subconscious saves me.
They say, each new beginnings have it rocky starts but God Dam! Help me find me as I have lost my stepping along the way. I have no reason to quit what I have started, I have no reason to go back or stay stagnant. My only way is forward, with my feet on the the ground and pray it is the right path! Feet grounded, head down as I slowly leave the starting block.
Sayōnara, Adios, and Au Revoir till we meet again!