Friday, 3 October 2014

Printed memories

Pictures pictures pictures

Once again I was sent on another hunt by this gracious aunt of mines. This time it was for pictures. Yes pictures those lovely childhood photos. Unfortunately they were not in any order and I had to skim through all of them to find exactly what she requested. As I looked through them I couldn't help but only to smile. As I remembered, year after year we look at the same albums as more pictures were added and the damage ones thrown away. There was always some kind of contention who would get to turn the pages and tell the stories. Mind you, there was always a different version each time the same story was told by someone else. So what I would do during our seasonal cleaning, is hide them or put them in a place where only I would know where to access them. Of course, I would get into trouble when the time came but I didn’t mind. It was worth it, “the keeper of the memories” but that didn't saddle too well with my siblings.

 In looking through the family albums, I remember growing up, there were always tons of people in the albums you would not have known. Interestingly enough, when I would asked who are they, I would always get,” doh bother meh,” I don’t know and you don’t have nothing to do? I guess my timing was off because I could never seemed to get an identifiable answer. Oh and the times when I did get answers, they never sure who is who. One can imagine my frustrations!

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