Saturday, 22 November 2014


Hello fellow readers,

This week is all about the coins, yes coins. As a child growing up, one thing I was fascinated about was the amount of coins in my mother’s room. Every corner and cranny there was a bag or some jar with five cents, one cents, ten cents, and twenty five cents pieces. She saved them all, I don’t know how she did it but she did. When it was the seasonal chores time I would play smart and volunteer to help her clean her room. If I never use to volunteer do anything else that was the one thing. Of course she would see right through my thought and knew what I was up too which was digging to see what I can find for keeps. Things like what  she wasn’t using or didn’t remember that she had it. 

Unfortunately I wasn’t good at it because in the end I would still end up hearing NO! Unless, I nagged her repeatedly and still that also sometimes did not work, but thanks to her coin collection it, created a little rivalry between us to start our own and who could have save the most. Sadly I must say this came about just because she was parting with hers.

Her theory was waste not want not, as even the blacken and dark mint green coins she saved. With that the stand was set, all had to be saved. For those who did not want those types of coin were one’s lost was another one’s gain. Strangely the there was a solution for her blacken and green coins hence the reason we rarely found any in her collection. At first I was the one who did want the ugly coins in my collection, but after learning the trick I would skull my sister of hers’.  Red sand! Yes red sand, the first time I observed my mother cleaning her dirty coins I was fascinated. That’s how she got the discoloured ones clean. Apparently there was a little corner spot in the back where she kept remnants of red sand mixed in with some gravel dirt. The discoloured coins became spotless; as I was curious I asked to try, but unfortunately mines did not come out as clean as hers. I was told I needed more elbow grease, as I was sent for the three small pots and a frying pan. Yea my thoughts exactly! 

Interestingly she didn’t only clean her coins but the blacken pots and pan, after my crash course she made it my task from then on. Ask me how that happened I don’t know but thank God it was not a frequent chore, though I struck a deal with her whatever coins I cleaned for her was mines. It was a win win for both parties, she got her pots cleaned and quarters cleaned but I kept the change. What more could you asked for?

Foreign Collection
In our little saving rivalry, we never had a schedule time to count up but I don’t recall ever taking that lead for saving the most quarters. My eldest brother and sister always seem to come out on top though I believe he would cheat. As we grew older the tradition continued, as at one point my brother saved approximately $400 in twenty five cents pieces, lucky bastard. With my sister in her teenage years she started saving the 50 cents pieces but eventually she broke that piggy bank as grew older. Seeing that I rarely ever came out on top and didn’t care to compete with my sisters’ 50 cents collection, I branch of into saving the one cent and five cent pieces since that wasn’t there interest. My brother also started me off into collecting foreign coins. To date I still save my one cent and five cent pieces apart from my ten cent, twenty five cent and my foreign pieces though I don’t get them as much as in my childhood.

What's yours?

Cupcake & Turtle Sis, Baby bottle & bear mines and Tin is foreign coins

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